On January 20th the Theater production company PLAYGROUND LA hosted a night of one act plays at the Broadwater Second stage on Sunset in Hollywood, California from a competition to Los Angeles playwrights to...
I found this today. Hope LA FOUNDATION. I find it interesting. I am fine with other organizations using HOPE but I am not OK with this sense as if I am not allowed to...
I was working on finishing the atrium on the 29th but my phone battery died. I started on day two finding an exhibit room outside called Mount of Angels. It is a nonprofit whose...
This event happens twice a year at the Brewery in Downtown Los Angeles, an artist commune consisting of a huge compound where artists of verious mediums live and have their studios. The artwalk is...
I write this as a concerned striking Sag Aftra actor, writer, film maker, screen writer and artist. From the United Stated Construction: Article I Section 8 | Clause 8 – Patent and Copyright Clause of the...
The weekend of the SAG AWARDS I had the pleasure of attending a series of free workshops at the INDEPDENT SHAKESPEARE COMPANY (ISC). I have not written about ISC here before. The reason I...
I filled legally to be ARTISTIC HOPE in 2011. I even published it in the BRITTISH paper in Los Aneles in 2011 after roughly 2 years of blogging under that name. ARTISTIC HOPE started...
This past Monday was Martin Luther King Day, As a child some of my early memories from school was learning about Martin Luther King, Civil rights, and having to write essays about the importance...
I am listening to the freedom of expression talk on ZOOM with SAG AFTRA for TURKEY and I wonder if CATERIS knows what a hypocrite she is talking about equality. The UNION has been...
Disney promotes sexism, elitism, attractiveness bias, and conservative values that prevent true democracy and freedom. It manipulates the public to buy its goods by targeting young people who are mailable to suggestibility. By targeting...
I feel bad I have not posted in months. I have been scared. I was scared before about being trolled and abused and bullied. This pandemic has been a crazy reality check. I wanted...
There was a photograph circling the internet and news of a woman in Portland, Oregon wearing only a mask and a hat. In the image you can see this woman some are calling “Naked...
We have a pandemic. I can’t pretend like things are rosy. I do not think it is healthy to have the attitude that life is always supposed to be happy and positive. I have...
I feel like we are living in a movie, though in truth if you are a fan of Science Fiction, often there is truth in fiction. Science fiction writers are often science buffs or...
I went to this festival on October 26, 2019 and well I am catching up. This is a festival started by a local politician David Ryu. It took up a few blocks in my...
I need acting like some people need air. I am so tired of how horrible people have been to me especially women. Women have been more critical and degrading and bullying to me then...
I am an actor. Acting is my first art. It is often I think neglected as intangible and insignificant. Yet the Entertainment Industry has been the number one export of America. It is one...
I have meant to do more on Artistic Hope. This was never meant to be an organization. I have realized my entire life I have been fighting other people’s expectations, without anyone really communicating...
I am worried. I know I am not the only person. America was created as a secular government for a reason. The founding fathers saw what religion did to people. In the early days...
I have had a license since 2011. However due to a stalker I have been afraid to display my license. I am a freelance professional, so do not disturb me at my HOME. Email or call.
To the PEOPLE with SAG AFTRA and my Stalker- Because I have this license, I could be legally hired as a professional ACTOR or as a Professional journalist, writer, photographer, digital designer and EDITOR. I need to have my other license changed to FILM PRODUCER or a category so I could make my own films.
Mail Correspondence
Please send all MAIL to:
PO Box 292456
Los Angeles, CA 90029
There is no guarantee I will get mail if you send it to the address on my license, especially packages. DO NOT DISTURB me at my HOME. My building is security monitored.
If you want to donate to my writing. I have a VENMO Account. @artistichope
It is not tax deductible and you cannot BUY my opinion. I am a free agent.
My opinion is my own. I will not be swayed by CASH to like something or dislike
something. I also have gone to many events and never wrote about them. I have
been grappling with depression from abuse and isolation I never deserved. I
want to write more about free speech and theater and MOVIES and STORY. ART that
breathes life into the audience. I do not want to talk about GAMES or AI unless
it involved improving the state of the EARTH and HUMANITY and ALL LIFE ON THIS
PLANET. I want to remind people that HUMANS make ART.
I wanted to use PATREON but I got frustrated because I wanted some stuff to
be free so I could share information to the general public. My goal was to make
the world better while I was here. It is difficult when you are also driven to
see the world through the mind of a rational dreamer and your art is to
PRETEND. I hate liars by the way and greed. JEALOUSY to me is an evil emotion I
want to avoid.