The Get Around- Mar Vista & Venice Art Walk HUB 1
I attended this one day event months ago on July 13, 2019. It was a communal experiment in essence the goal was to get attendees to use public transportation or means that left a low carbon footprint. I personally walked the event. I started in Mar Vista. The event was divided into 7 hubs, and hub 1 started at Sawtelle and Venice Blvd.
Hub 1 began with the Fantastic Salon Theater, which because I started at 2 pm was closed. It is a converted hair salon.

Snoot Entertainment gave out t-shirts for the event. The next art event I visited was called “Art in the Park” though on the map it is I believe “Atmosphere Mar Vista.” At this site were several canopies. First I observed was Mom’s Garden, succulent plants. Next was jewelry by Karen Young, who is also a photographer. She had an exhibit of images she took in Japan in Pasadena at the Walt Girdner Photo Studio in July. Many artists are multi talented. It is shameful we have forgotten what it means to be Renaissance. We have lost touch with the concept that humans are not simple. Along with a jewelry by Tanja Ven der loo designs.
Next was wood work by The Shuga Wooks, including carved wall designs and walking sticks. This was followed by a woman who does fantastic mosaics with crystals and gems. Unfortunately I did not get her name. Her work is the lizard multimedia painting.
There was also the work of Lory Butler, Bricks of Soul. She makes statues using the plasters of reel people. She told me stories of some of her work. She actually makes realistic art that often serves as memories of adults as children or even the deceased. She told me in one piece a part of a bracelet accidentally ended up in the art. Her patron found it poetic as it immortalized the jewelry as a permanent memory of their child.
Finally their were the illustrations by Momsky (Luz Montiel) and young Timothy Melgoza, dark and Gothic.
Hub 1 Images
Finally the Mar Vista Public Library had art projects at hand, making airplanes from C-47 clips. I suggested they make a mobile with them.