I almost did not post this blog here, but well the West Hollywood Carnival is FREE and it is CREATIVE and it is very ORGANIC in that people from all walks of life come together to celebrate well Halloween- “OK the day of the dead.” Perhaps Halloween is not a day celebrating life, or is it. It is also the day for the Fall Harvest- food the source of life to help survive the winter. It is the day of ghost stories where one wonders if life on some level continues beyond this existence. And in West Hollywood it is a day where many either re-invent themselves, dress as they really want to be seen, dress to honor someone they admire or dress to perhaps comment on the world, and for some a day to comment in disguise.
I think in this case pictures tell more than my words can.
Halloween was indeed a colorful and creative night enjoyed by young and old. I even saw a few babies being carried through the crowd. There was a couple dressed as Jack and Jacqueline and I told them I was too young to vote, but would have if I had been born. I did once go door to door with Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. There was a man with a bull horn telling people to not eat meat and some political signs on the street. There was a man performing songs. Two stages with Djs. And a drum circle. I myself joined in playing drums. I was dressed in purple and was the ALIEN from TOY STORY.
You might say I was making my own fun. I worked a FLASH MOB at a game show and it was a secret until the day of the event. We all dressed up like Aliens From TOY STORY and we all got free passes for the week. I got to be one of the first people to use the GLEE karaoke machine. I also got stopped by a photographer who LOVED my look and took pictures of me in the costume. However, weird thing, as soon as he learned my name, his attitude completely changed. If there is something out there about me- HOW ABOUT BEING REALLY BRAVE and telling me what it is? Unless it is a LIE? Seriously this guy without knowing who I was and just meeting me thought I should be a model for the EVENT- and then heard my NAME. That to me screams SLANDER