How Disney manipulates America
Disney promotes sexism, elitism, attractiveness bias, and conservative values that prevent true democracy and freedom. It manipulates the public to buy its goods by targeting young people who are mailable to suggestibility. By targeting the young, it gets adults to spend money to make their kids happy. It feeds women the delusion that they will find love and happiness in a world that does not allow women to be seen or heard. Disney is currently being sued for unequal pay to women.
This post may be biased. I was blacklisted by Disney and ABC. I was told to go to work at Grey’s Anatomy on a MONDAY morning to be told at the gate that I was on a Watcher list. Though ironically it was a SHONDA RHIMES production. The supposed queen of the METOO movement. Instead of giving me justice, someone took it personally when I tried legally to get justice, and I was trolled and bullied on line for 5 years. They tried to make it look like I was the abuser. I have never liked bullies. I have also never been a bully. I do not like mean people.
I’ve heard from a man named Arne Star who was featured by Grey’s Anatomy, different reasons why this happened. Some guy showed up to set with a knife? I am not a guy. I attacked actors or a woman. When I ask WHO? NO one will tell me. Years later I am forced off of the SANTA MONICA campus after being given a letter to leave a fellow student Carrie FInklea alone. I had filled a complaint against Carrie because I believed she knew someone who was trolling me on Twitter for years. I never attacked Carrie Finklea. I told her I did not want to work with her and walked away. I bruised her ego. I do not see her as a celebrity or even as a working actor. She was a fellow student who yelled at me on student set for no valid reason. I had no idea who she was when I first met her in a class at Santa Monica College. Though she seemed to know me. She asked me to change some footage she gave me to black and white and also asked me last minute to be an extra in a short we were doing for class. I have since found out that she used to live three blocks from a guy who molested me. I suspect Santa Monica College cares more about making money with its film department than in honesty or HONOR. Back east where I am from I would have been respected as the good student, not lied about to protect a pretty girl pseudo celebrity actress.
I was recently trolled by a woman online claiming that she is a huge fan of Carrie and that I was horrible to her. She indicated that Carrie got off Twitter in 2014 because of people like me? I did not know Carrie in 2014. I had no idea she existed. I am a liberal vegan atheist. So Carrie is a God loving member of the GOP? I am also Anti-porn and sex work. I do not know Carrie’s views on these issues? I hate the NRA and do not own a gun. I hate my family for being GOP and my father for caring more about guns than he does the Planet. I have never met more ignorant people than in the film Department at Santa Monica college. Just because I am over 40 does not mean I am destined to become my parents. I would NEVER EVER be pro GUN. I hate VIOLENCE AND GUNS Bitch. The only reason Carrie Finklea is an actress is because of the False image Disney projects to America. Women can only be actors if they are pretty. How many people are training in College in Theater. Granted when I was in college no one studied FILM ACTING. Most schools could not afford the equipment to have a film or TV studio. My school did have a growing film program and got a grant to make films. I am OLD now so I will never be an actress right Carrie? Well I am not interested in moving on and still want to work to be an actor. Carrie I have every right to want to be an actor JUST LIKE YOU. I have every right to be an entrepreneur despite my age. Carrie LIVED a few blocks from JEREMY GILBREATHE in Sherman OAKS and worked on a set with the director of “GOOD WILL HUNTING.” I just found that out this past year.
I studied both Theater and economics in College. To me the most important part of my life in college was the Theater and not the money. This is going to be one of those rare occasions where I have an actual use for my economics degree. People have wants and needs. That is what should drive an economy. Food, water, shelter, medical care, and a good night sleep. To some psychologists a truly mentally healthy person also needs safety, love, self esteem, and self actualization. That last one is basically living up to our full potential. I say Disney preys on some of those needs to take advantage and manipulate our culture and our lives. Disney is not the only corporation that does this, but it is one that uses ART in ways that are malignant to humanity. Granted they have good PR. They just had their pride parade. They are in the news for adding more Plant Based meals. But they also have a history of discrimination. Just look up DIsney and bigotry. Meryl Street even called Disney sexist, racist, and anti-semetic. Granted Disney is now run my two Jews. Robert Igler at one point worked for DONALD TRUMP. Bob Chapek is also Jewish. According to what I was able to find on line Chapek contributes to the Walt Disney PAC. Yes they have their own Political Action Coalition. In fact here is a statement about the PAC and it’s policy. Despite the Jewish leadership I would say that DISNEY still pushes a conservative agenda. I am not a WASP and in fact I am 2% Jewish. I do not want to live near my parents or have my parents in my life. If I had a child the last thing I would want would be my child wanting to promote the values of DISNEY.
Artists need to be aware. I have heard Clooney say he needs to make money so he has made some choices for cash versus his conscious? If we do not make more decisions based on conscious and less on profit we may not have a planet to live on for much longer. Disney feeds the delusion that they unite us. But they are a distraction. They are sub par art. Disney has a history of legal abuse of minority groups despite it’s a small world message. When I told people that I was blacklisted by DISNEY no one believed me. Instead I was labelled crazy. I was made fun of and silenced. It judges the quality of people on surface attraction and not real intelligence or substance. Disney blacklisted the LA TIMES. Disney has banned people from the parks. I personally have no desire to go to DISNEY LAND. They are not why I came to California. I came to make quality intelligent films. This person wrote about an assistant editor fired from DISNEY and fear she will be blacklisted. According to this people get fired all the time and still work. I was fired and have not worked since 2012 on a set.
My conservative father keeps harping about how I can not keep a job. He does not seem to understand I do not care about keeping a job if I feel stuck. I do not want to be at a job that does not involve the ARTS or acting. I loved my life in the industry. I do not care about being financially stable if I hate life. My mental health is not going to be OK if I am not allowed to be an actor. I AM NOT STALKING ANYONE it is possible ACTORS like me because I AM ONE OF THEM despite not being BLONDE AND YOUNG AND SEXY.
As to CARRIE FINKLEA She has no right to slander me as if I would waste my energy trying to attack her. I am FAR ABOVE THAT KIND OF STUPIDITY. I had a GPA of 3.6 at SANTA MONICA COLLEGE. I would end my own life before I would commit violence against someone else. My parents may be the one exception, but they have been starving and abusing me for a decade trying to make me get a full time job with benefits when I would rather love what I am doing and achieve my own goals. I do not have on my to do list have a job with a regular 9 to 5 schedule and benefits.